With the evolution of social media, brands are finding ways to keep the interactions they have with consumers strong.
Chicken Farmers of Canada is a good example of a brand that not only interacts with their consumers, but makes it easy for consumers to gain the knowledge they need to about Canadian chicken farmers.
The first thing that the brand does is it brings the chicken farmers to the people. It allows the people to learn about the farmers, about why they are farmers, where they farm and the challenges they faced prior to being successful chicken farmers.
This gives the consumer a look into the life of the actually farmer, it answers the first question that consumers may have and that is are chickens raised in factory-like pins or are they actually raised on the farm.
The way the website is set-up makes things simple to navigate through, clear and easy to read. On the front page of their website they have a rolling screen that highlights the main sections giving visitors easier access to anything that they might be looking for.
On the home page the contact information is displayed without having one going to look for the information which again makes it easier to access the information on is looking for.
Not only does the brand bring the farmers to the people and make the website easier to navigate, but they also engage with their website viewers and consumers through a company blog, brand Facebook page, brand Twitter account and a recipe a week page dedicated to posting fresh recipe ideas every week.
To up their levels of engagement online with their consumers and website viewers, they have just recently added How-To-Videos.
These How-To-Videos are easy to follow and descriptive. Text has been added to the videos to point out key important information that was mentioned, and all videos are under a 1:30.
Overall, Chicken Farmers of Canada has been keeping up with the times and evolving with social media by finding ways to keep themseleves engaged with their vistors, followers and consumers.
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