This is a partnered post with Tangerine Bank.
September is a great time to teach your kids about money. Join us for the Tangerine Bank Twitter Chat. Follow along and use the hashtag #MoneySavvyKids

Teach Your Kids About Money Twitter Chat Details
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Time: 8:00pm – 9:00pm ET
Host: Tangerine Bank @TangerineBank
Moderator: ShesConnected @ShesConnected
Hashtag: #MoneySavvyKids
Prizing: $500 in gift cards*
No RSVP is required!
*No purchase. Runs 09/28. Cdn residents only (excluding QC), age of majority. 5 x $100 gift card prizes available. Skill test question req’d. Full rules:
Twitter Chat Questions
- Who taught you about money and what was the most valuable lesson they taught you?
- Would you say you do a better job managing your finances than your parents did at your age?
- Do you have money habits that you hope your kids don’t pick up? What about habits that you hope they do pick up?
- Do you have a policy for responding to your kids’ requests for things they want but don’t need?
- Do you give, or plan to give, your kids an allowance? Tell us why you do or don’t, and how it works in your family.
- How do you teach, or plan to teach, your kids about money?
- Do your kids understand how needs differ from wants?
- Do your kids have a piggy bank/bank account? If so, do you have rules for how they spend that money?
- Would you say you’re raising financially independent kids?
- At what age do you think your kids should learn about investing, and why?
- Do you teach your kids the importance of charitable giving? If so, how?