The Tea and Herbal Association of Canada encourages you to relax…it’s tea time
This January celebrate Hot Tea Month and stay on track with your renewed self-care goals for the year. There are more reasons than ever for Canadians to fill their cups with Tea, from its variety of types and flavours to its numerous health benefits.
Start the year right with a relaxing cup
In a recent survey conducted by Nielsen for the Tea and Herbal Association of Canada, findings showed that positive attitudes towards Tea remain strong, with “Relaxing” leading the list for positive health associations for consumers (Nielsen 2017).
There is a tea for everyone and a time for every tea
We are living in a time driven by individuality and customization, and the tea world is no different. “Tea is a very versatile drink. Each variety – black, green, oolong, herbal – has a unique taste, so Canadians can try different flavours, finding the ones they like best,” says Louise Roberge, President of the Tea and Herbal Association of Canada. There’s a tea for every palate and a time for every tea, with research showing that Canadians predominantly drink black and green from early to mid-day and turning to herbal and decaffeinated in the evening.
Why does tea unite us as Canadians?
Our multicultural society also plays a large part in the popularity of tea in Canada, as Canadians of all backgrounds are united in their love of tea. English, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, and African tea traditions have all become part of our multicultural milieu. As we continue to welcome new Canadians in increasing numbers, the influence of tea culture and tea traditions in our society will only continue to grow and unite us.
A cup a day helps keep the doctor away
A single cup of tea is steeped in healthy benefits that can help refresh and revitalize all Canadians. Drinking a cup of hot tea everyday can lower blood pressure, decrease cholesterol levels, and can aid in overall heart health. The secret to tea’s health benefits? Flavonoids – dietary compounds found naturally in plants that protects the body through antioxidant activity. A single cup of tea has 750x more flavonoids than a cup of coffee, and 6x more flavonoids than a cup of orange juice.
“While most Canadians have heard of the health benefits of green tea, it’s important to know that all varieties of tea are good for your overall health,” says Louise Roberge. “Black, green, white and oolong tea are all equally beneficial, since they come from the same plant. Just like Canadians, all types of tea are created equal. It’s a natural, healthy, calorie-free drink that everyone can enjoy.”
The perfect cup of tea is as easy as 1, 2, 3
Brewing the perfect cup of tea is simple, whether you’re using tea bags or loose leaf:
- Bring water to a rolling boil, and let sit to the appropriate temperature (this will vary depending on the type of tea)
- Pour water directly over tea leaves or tea bag, and allow the tea to steep (again, this will vary according to the type of tea)
- Remove tea bag or infuser, sit back and enjoy
For more information about tea and the Canadian tea industry, please visit .
About the Tea and Herbal Association of Canada
The Tea and Herbal Association of Canada is the leading authority and industry voice on all things tea in Canada and represents members from bush to cup. We provide proactive leadership in the areas of advocacy, generic promotion, education and information in order to ensure the long-term viability of the tea industry. We serve as the number one source of information, research about tea and offer the only TEA SOMMELIER® Certification program in Canada (delivered through colleges and online). We are passionate about tea and dedicated to increasing awareness of quality tea and its health benefits to Canadians. Visit for more information, Like our page on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.
SOURCE Tea and Herbal Association of Canada