I am rather delicate – when it comes to the sun that is. I am not a fan of sun worship and I never have. During summer vacations to Florida, my family would be out in the sun, in the water. Not me. I would be under the umbrella. At the end of the vacation, my family would come back to Canada with a beautiful brown tan. Me – white. People would ask me why I didn’t vacation with my family.
Why Make Them?
When it is hot outside, I like to cool off with popsicles and ice pops. Instead of buying them, I like to make them so I can control what I put in my body. I also want to control the amount of sugar I am consuming. They are so easy to make as well. You need a base and you add some fruit pour into a mold and then freeze. I don’t drink juice because I am cutting down on the amount of sugar I consume. I used BioSteel products as my base. No sugar in BioSteel!
I like berry flavours in general but I must admit that I have a new favourite flavour – it is orange! I add strawberries to the mix and mmmmmm. Delish and it cools me off!
Great Molds
I picked up 2 sets of molds from Kitchen Stuff Plus. The first set is the KSP Ice Pop Freezer “Star” Popsicle Mold. It comes in a set of 6 individual molds which is great. I got them on sale for only $4.99. Click here to check them out.
The second set I picked up were also from KSP. These were the oval popsicle mold set. Once again, this set was comprised of individual molds which makes it so convenient. Click here for more details.